Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Zachary Wayne

Our little Zachary is almost three weeks old already. Time flies as you get older, but boy does it really fly once you are taking care of a little baby! I really wanted to get this blog started earlier...but the days seem to go by so quickly that I can't seem to get it all done!

Dave has done this before. However a first for me and the most amazing experience of my life.

Zachary arrived at 3:14 pm on Saturday, April 4, 2009. He weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and was about 20 inches long. I do think they measured his length incorrectly at the hospital because he measure 19. inches and 19 and 3/4 inches at his first 2 doctor's visits. I will work on posting baby pictures of Dave and myself so you can all see once and for all that there is no denying he looks just like his Daddy!! Good thing they are both pretty handsome!

Zach has been sleeping really well. After the first night home he has pretty much slept through the night every night. Usually he wakes up at about 5:30 for a feeding, but occasionally sleeps a 7 or 8 hour stretch. The only exceptions was Dave's first day back to work. I am convinced that Zachary knew he was going back to work and just wanted us to know he wasn't happy about it. Dave was home with us for 2 weeks which was amazing.

DJ was and is so excited to have a little baby brother. He loves to hold him and talk to him. It's so great to see how happy and excited he gets around the baby. Hard to believe that he will be 17 this August. Funny that when Zach is that age DJ will be in his 30's!!!! Zach will be wanting to go to his big brother's house for the weekend I am sure.

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